Spanish is a romance language that was originated in Spain, and gradually spread to other places covering what nowadays we know as The Americas, Africa and Asia Pacific. At present, 400 million people speak Spanish as their native language or mother tongue, making it the world's second most spoken language. It is absolutely rewarding to speak a language that has become one of the most important all over the world, and that has gotten the attention af many people; Spanish is growing as fast as you couldn't ever imagine. Language reflects your culture, your beliefs, what you are, and what you feel as a citizen from a country whose mother tongue is Spanish. Since the first moment a person states her/his native language is Spanish, one can start thinking about that person's background, about how different can the culture, lifestyle and values be, and also you started appreciating a language you have been never exposed to. As I mentioned before, Spanish has spread all around the world which means that it is spoken in many different countries, though in every single country where it is the native language, it has been differenciated in a certain way that you are able to notice from what country a Spanish native speaker comes from. There are times in which some people are not able to recognize from what country you are, but they are able to recognize that the language being spoken is Spanish.
There are many relevant facts that prove the importance of this languages such as, economic and cultural indicators. Some of the economic indicators are:
-The Latin American countries are experiencing strong economic growth and they are becoming important commercial partners.
-The dramatic growth in the Spanish language and Spanish speaking populations has sparked world wide demand for Spanish language radio, newspapers, and other media. In 2004, for example, China launched a Spanish television channel.
Among the cultural indicators, we have:
-Latin culture has made tremendous contributions to the world's art and literature. The Spanish language has brought us, among other gifts the world's second-most translated book, Cervantes' don Quijote, available in 60 languages.

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